Friday, 21 May 2010

The Monied Metropolis

The Monied Metropolis

Author: Sven Beckert
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0521524105
You Save: 29%

The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896

Tracing the shifting fortunes and changing character of New York City's economic elite over half a century, Sven Beckert brings to light a neglected--and critical--chapter in the social history of the U.The Monied Metropolis review. .: the rise of an American bourgeoisie. The Monied Metropolis is the first comprehensive history of New York's economic elite, the most powerful group in nineteenth-century America. Beckert explains how a small and diverse group of New Yorkers came to wield unprecedented economic, social, and political power from 1850 to the turn of the twentieth centuryRead full reviews of the monied metropolis - beckert, sven 9780521524100.

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Read The Monied Metropolis By Sven Beckert. Paperback Isbn13: 9780521524100 reviews by

The Monied Metropolis By Sven Beckert. Paperback Isbn13: 9780521524100
author sven beckert format paperback language english publication year 03 02 2003 subject history military subject 2 regional history the monied metropolis by sven beckert published by cambridge university press not quite what you re looking for see more books in united states or north america free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce computing and it history and topography language and linguistics law and criminolo

the monied metropolis - beckert, sven 9780521524100
The Monied Metropolis is the first comprehensive history of the most powerful group in the nineteenth-century United States: New York City's economic elite. Using the insights of social history and a burgeoning historiography on the European bourgeoisie, the author examines the business activities of the city's merchants, industrialists, and bankers; describes their flamboyant social life; looks at their politics; and analyzes their view of the world. The Civil War, Reconstruction, labor, and democracy figure largely in the story. By the end of the Gilded Age, the book argues, upper-class New

The Monied Metropolis: York City And The Consolidat
The Monied Metropolis is the first comprehensive history of the most powerful group in the nineteenth-century United States: New York City's economic elite. Using the insights of social history and a burgeoning historiography on the European bourgeoisie, the author examines the business activities of the city's merchants, industrialists, and bankers; describes their flamboyant social life; looks at their politics; and analyzes their view of the world. The Civil War, Reconstruction, labor, and democracy figure largely in the story. By the end of the Gilded Age, the book argues, upper-class New

The Monied Metropolis: New York City And The Consolidation Of The American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896
New Hardcover.

The Monied Metropolis ...
The first comprehensive history of nineteenth-century New York City''s powerful economic elite.

The Monied Metropolis Reviews

.: the rise of an American bourgeoisie. The Monied Metropolis is the first comprehensive history of New York's economic elite, the most powerful group in nineteenth-century America. Beckert explains how a small and diverse group of New Yorkers came to wield unprecedented economic, social, and political power from 1850 to the turn of the twentieth century. He reveals the central role of the Civil War in realigning New York's economic elite, and how the New York bourgeoisie reoriented its ideology during Reconstruction, abandoning the free labor views of the antebellum years for laissez-faire liberalism. Sven Beckert is the Dunwalke Associate at Harvard University. He is the recipient of several honors and fellowships, including the Aby Warburg Foundation prize for academic excellence, a MacArthur Dissertation Fellowship and a Andrew W. Mellon fellowship. This is his first book.


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