Author: Hans Finzel
Edition: New Edition
Publisher: Northfield Publishing
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1881273687
You Save: 78%
Change is Like a Slinky
A practical guide to navigate change in today's organizational climate.Change is Like a Slinky review. Change or perish: this is a current motto for leaders in all types of organizations. But how does one adapt to such fast and furious change and effectively lead the organization through change? Hans Finzel provides a proven strategy in Change is Like a Slinky, exploring the six major phases in the cycle of change. As he says, "Change is a lot like a Slinky.Read full reviews of change is like a slinky : 30 ways of promoting and surviving change by h. finzel.

Change or perish: this is a current motto for leaders in all types of organizations. But how does one adapt to such fast and furious change and effectively lead the organization through change? Hans Finzel provides a proven strategy in Change is Like a Slinky, exploring the six major phases in the cycle of change. As he says, "Change is a lot like a Slinky... A slinky can be a lot of fun, but it is also completely unpredictable." Instead of grudgingly wading through inevitable change, readers will find themselves equipped and fired up to tackle it head on.

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payment | shipping rates | returns Change is Like a Slinky Product Category :Books ISBN :1881273687 Title :Change is Like a Slinky EAN :9781881273684 Authors :Finzel, Hans Binding :Paperback Publisher :Northfield Publishing Publication Date :2004-01-01 Pages :336 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jacket :False List Price (MSRP) :12.99 Height :0.7000 inches Width :5.8000 inches Length :8.3000 inches Weight :0.7000 pounds Condition :Good 02 Binding in good condition. No highlighting or writ
Find change is like a slinky : 30 ways of promoting and surviving change by h. finzel on eBay in the category Books>Nonfiction.
Questions? 1-800-299-7614 Browse Our Store Change is Like a Slinky Hans Finzel A practical guide to navigate change in today's organizational climateChange or perish. This is a current motto for leaders in all types of organizations. But how does one adapt to such fast and furious change and effectively lead the organization through change intact and more effective? Hans Finzel provides a proven strategy in Change is Like a Slinky, exploring the six major phases in the cycle of change. As he sa
Powered by Frooition Pro Click here to view full size. Full Size Image Click to close full size. Change Is Like a Slinky - Book NEW Author(s): Hans Finzel, John Maxwell Format: Paperback # Pages: 336 ISBN-13: 9781881273684 Published: 01/01/2004 Language: English Weight: 0.85 pounds An essential guide to change management shows business leaders how to see change in a positive light and make it work for their organizations by providing a groundbreaking plan and a clear, concise roadmap to help na
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Change is Like a Slinky Reviews
Change or perish: this is a current motto for leaders in all types of organizations. But how does one adapt to such fast and furious change and effectively lead the organization through change? Hans Finzel provides a proven strategy in Change is Like a Slinky, exploring the six major phases in the cycle of change. As he says, "Change is a lot like a Slinky... A slinky can be a lot of fun, but it is also completely unpredictable." Instead of grudgingly wading through inevitable change, readers will find themselves equipped and fired up to tackle it head on.

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