Saturday, 26 June 2010

The 7 Secrets of the Prolific Reviews

The 7 Secrets of the Prolific

Author: Hillary Rettig
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Infinite Art
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 098364540X
You Save: 8%

The 7 Secrets of the Prolific: The Definitive Guide to Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism, and Writer's Block

You are not lazy, undisciplined, or uncommitted! Procrastination, perfectionism, and writer's block are habits rooted in scarcity and fear.The 7 Secrets of the Prolific review. If you know the seven secrets of the prolific, you can "magically" recover all the energy, discipline, and commitment you thought you had lost.

Author, coach and workshop leader Hillary Rettig characterizes, in great detail and depth, the major causes of underproductivity, including: procrastination, perfectionism, resource scarcity, time scarcity, an ineffective writing process, bias, ambivalence, internalized oppression, traumatic rejection, and exploitative career paths. Then she tells you how to conquer each. The solutions are:

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The 7 Secrets Of The Prolific Ebook
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The 7 Secrets of the Prolific Ebook
Procrastination, perfectionism and creative block are not moral flaws; nor are they caused by laziness, lack of discipline or lack of commitment. They are habits rooted in fear and scarcity – and the great news is that once we start alleviating our fears and resourcing ourselves abundantly, our procrastination and related problems are often remarkably easily solved.
My new book The Seven Secrets of the Prolific, tells you how! In it, I characterize, in great detail and depth, the major categories of constraining forces that cause underproductivity, including perfectionism; resource constrain

The 7 Secrets Of The Prolific: The Definitive Guide To Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism, And Writer
New Paperback.

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The most popular and prolific children's author ever, Enid Blyton, has carried on selling since her death in 1968, not least through paperback versions of scarce early hardbacks. A good example is 'Secret Seven Win Through' - the seventh of a rare and popular series from the '40s and '50s first published as a Hodder paperback with all original illustrations in 2009. On offer is that 1st edition thus in Brand New condition.

good work secret seven 6 enid blyton 2009 childrens classic hodder pb
The most popular and prolific children's author ever, Enid Blyton, has carried on selling since her death in 1968, not least through paperback versions of scarce early hardbacks. A good example is 'Good Work Secret Seven' - the sixth of a rare and popular series from the '40s and '50s first published as a Hodder paperback with all original illustrations in 2009. On offer is that 1st edition thus in Brand New condition.

The 7 Secrets of the Prolific Reviews

If you know the seven secrets of the prolific, you can "magically" recover all the energy, discipline, and commitment you thought you had lost.

Author, coach and workshop leader Hillary Rettig characterizes, in great detail and depth, the major causes of underproductivity, including: procrastination, perfectionism, resource scarcity, time scarcity, an ineffective writing process, bias, ambivalence, internalized oppression, traumatic rejection, and exploitative career paths. Then she tells you how to conquer each. The solutions are:

1. Identify and Overcome Perfectionism
2. Abundantly Resource Yourself
3. Manage Your Time
4. Optimize Your Writing Process
5. Understand and Claim Your Identity as a Writer
6. Cultivate Resilience in the Face of Rejection and Harsh Criticism, and
7. Create a Liberated Career.
Those are the 7 Secrets of the Prolific!

And whether you write fiction or nonfiction, or poetry, screenplays or something else - or whether you write for business or school - those secrets will help you speed your output, lower your stress, and bring you joy and fulfillment.

Special sections include:

*Writing on the Internet (and how to withstand the Internet's harsh culture)

*Coping with the many clueless and/or challenging comments and questions people direct to writers (e.g., "When will you get that thing done?") and,

*Publishing Without Perishing, a special Appendix just for graduate students and other academic writers.


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