Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Public-Private Partnerships Reviews

Public-Private Partnerships

Author: E. R. Yescombe
Edition: 1
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0750680547
You Save: 24%

Public-Private Partnerships: Principles of Policy and Finance

Over the last decade or so, private-sector financing through public-private partnerships (PPPs) has become increasingly popular around the world as a way of procuring and maintaining public-sector infrastructure, in sectors such as transportation (roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, ports, airports), social infrastructure (hospitals, schools, prisons, social housing) public utilities (water supply, waste water treatment, waste disposal), government offices and other accommodation, and other specialised services (communications networks or defence equipment).Public-Private Partnerships review.
This book, based on the author's practical experience on the public- and private-sector sides of the table, reviews the key policy issues which arise for the public sector in considering whether to adopt the PPP procurement route, and the specific application of this policy approach in PPP contracts, comparing international practices in this respect. It offers a systematic and integrated approach to financing PPPs within this public-policy framework, and explains the project-finance techniques used for this purpose. The book deals with both the Concession and PFI models of PPP, and provides a structured introduction for those who are new to the subject, whether in the academic, public-sector, investment, finance or contracting fields, as well as an aide memoire for those developing PPP policies or negotiating PPPs.

The author focuses on practical concepts, issues and techniques, and does not assume any prior knowledge of PPP policy issues or financing techniquesRead full reviews of Public Private Partnerships: The Worldwide Revolution In Infrastructure Provision And Project Finance.

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Read Kreative Governance?: Public Private Partnerships in der lokalpolitischen Steuerung reviews by

Kreative Governance?: Public Private Partnerships in der lokalpolitischen Steuerung
Book Description Public Private Partnerships in der lokalpolitischen SteuerungFrom the Back Cover Die Erwartungen an die Probleml+¦sungsf+ähigkeit von Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) sind hoch. Meist werden sie als chancenreiche L+¦sungen f+-r Kapazit+ätsprobleme der +¦ffentlichen Hand betrachtet. Lilian Schwalb zeigt indes, dass PPPs voraussetzungsreich sind. Sie stellt Initiierungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse von PPP-Vorhaben auf der lokalen Ebene òÀÓ als relevante Ebene sozialen und politischen Gestaltens òÀÓ in den Mittelpunkt. Am Beispiel von Vorhaben im Kulturbereich untersuc

Public Private Partnerships: The Worldwide Revolution In Infrastructure Provision And Project Finance
Public Private Partnerships: The Worldwide Revolution In Infrastructure Provision And Project Finance: Darrin Grimsey, Mervyn K. Lewis

Public Private Partnerships: The Worldwide Revolution In Infrastructure Provision And Project Finance
`This book provides an excellent insight into the operation and issues affecting PPPs and is highly recommended reading for academics, students, public sector agencies, private firms and professionals keen to develop their understanding of this increasingly important method of infrastructure procurement.' - Public Infrastructure Bulletin `The boundaries between the public and private sector are the most important political issue of our time. This book is an invaluable guide to the issues in publ

Urban Models and Public-Private Partnership
This book addresses the topic of urban models with reference to large western cities and particularly to global cities. In the current transitional phase, the use of language and the systematization of phenomena has become important. The book's matrix examines two important and strongly connected themes: urban models and public-private partnerships (PPP) determined by urban functions which are transformed in an increasingly rapid and complex manner as a result of globalization. PPPs represent the new border of the modern global state. The book focuses on two principal urban models (renewal and

Public Private Partnerships in Construction
About the Author Duncan Cartlidge is a Chartered Surveyor and Construction Procurement Consultant, specializing in the delivery and management of built assets and in providing training to a wide range of built environment professionals.TàTàHe is the author of Procurement of Built Assets (2004) and New Aspects of Quantity Surveying Practice (2002) and an external tutor for the College of Estate Management, Reading. www.duncancartlidge.co.uk

Public-Private Partnerships Reviews

This book, based on the author's practical experience on the public- and private-sector sides of the table, reviews the key policy issues which arise for the public sector in considering whether to adopt the PPP procurement route, and the specific application of this policy approach in PPP contracts, comparing international practices in this respect. It offers a systematic and integrated approach to financing PPPs within this public-policy framework, and explains the project-finance techniques used for this purpose. The book deals with both the Concession and PFI models of PPP, and provides a structured introduction for those who are new to the subject, whether in the academic, public-sector, investment, finance or contracting fields, as well as an aide memoire for those developing PPP policies or negotiating PPPs.

The author focuses on practical concepts, issues and techniques, and does not assume any prior knowledge of PPP policy issues or financing techniques. The book describes and explains:
* The different types of PPPs and how these have developed
* Why PPPs are attractive to governments
* General policy issues for the public sector in developing a PPP programme
* PPP procurement procedures and bid evaluation
* The use of project-finance techniques for PPPs
* Sources of funding
* Typical PPP contracts and sub-contracts, and their relationship with the project's financial structure
* Risk assessment from the points of view of the public sector, investors, lenders and other project parties
* Structuring the investment and debt financing
* The key issues in negotiating a project-finance debt facility.
In addition the book includes an extensive glossary, as well as cross-referencing.

*Reviews the PPP policy framework and development from an international perspective
*Covers public- and private-sector financial analysis, structuring and investment in PPPs
*No prior knowledge of project financing required


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