Author: Tyrone B Pretorius
Publisher: Reach Publishers
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1920084606
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Inferential Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing And Decision Making
This is the second edition of the textbook, Inferential Statistics: Hypothesis Testing and Decision-making, first published in 1995.Inferential Data Analysis review. It has been appropriately renamed Inferential Data Analysis to emphasise the role of statistics as a tool in the research process rather than an end in itself. The approach that is followed in the book could be called a decision-making approach since it aims to contextualise statistics as a tool when making decisions about hypotheses. This second edition has been revised substantially in terms of content. It now includes an overview of basic descriptive statistics, the use of SPSS and Excel, a focus on the most appropriate format for presenting statistical results in a research paper and a section on more advanced multivariate techniquesRead full reviews of Data Analysis Using Spss For Windows - Version 6: A Beginner's Guide By Jere.
Read Inferential Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing And Decision Making reviews by
New Paperback.
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows - Version 6: A Beginner's Guide by Jeremy J. Dr Foster Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New SPSS for Windows is the most widely used computer package for analyzing quantitative data. In a clear, readable, non-technical style, this book teaches beginners how to use the program, input and manipulate data, use descriptive analyses and inferential techniques, including: quot; t quot
The New Edition of this bestselling introductory book, covering the latest SPSS versions 8.0-10.0, is designed to teach beginners how to use SPSS for Windows. Written in a clear, readable and non-technical style the author explains the basics of SPSS including the input of data, data manipulation, descriptive analyses and inferential techniques. Author: Foster, Jeremy J. ISBN-10: 0761969268
A new edition of this best-selling introductory book to cover the latest SPSS versions 8.0 - 10.0 This book is designed to teach beginners how to use SPSS for Windows, the most widely used computer package for analysing quantitative data. Written in a clear, readable and non-technical style the author explains the basics of SPSS including the input of data, data manipulation, descriptive analyses and inferential techniques, including; - creating using and merging data files - creating and printing graphs and charts - parametric tests including t-tests, ANOVA, GLM - correlation, regression and
This book is written for the students and practitioners who are looking for a single introductory Excel-based resource that covers three essential business and analytical skills—Data Analysis, Business Modeling, and Simulation of Complex Problems. The focus of the book is clearly on analysis of problems for decision making, yet detailed explanations regarding how to use Excel tools are provided. After many years of teaching and consulting, it is abundantly clear to me that for most students, a good example is worth its weight in gold. This book contains many excellent examples in each chapte
Inferential Data Analysis Reviews
It has been appropriately renamed Inferential Data Analysis to emphasise the role of statistics as a tool in the research process rather than an end in itself. The approach that is followed in the book could be called a decision-making approach since it aims to contextualise statistics as a tool when making decisions about hypotheses. This second edition has been revised substantially in terms of content. It now includes an overview of basic descriptive statistics, the use of SPSS and Excel, a focus on the most appropriate format for presenting statistical results in a research paper and a section on more advanced multivariate techniques. The new edition also focuses extensively on effect-size statistics rather than only significance testing. “My very well-thumbed copy of 'my little green stats bible' has been constantly referenced since I bought it in 1996. This book, on its own, helped me overcome my fear of stats. Every student I lecture that wants an easily accessible understanding of statistics for psychology is ordered to buy a copy, and every one of them have thanked me for showing them the book. It not only shows you HOW it's done but explains to you WHEN and WHY it's done. It is an invaluable tool in my teaching arsenal. Please let me know when the second edition will be available, since I'm sure it will prove as indispensable as its predecessor". (former student at University of Western Cape and now lecturer at UNISA and Stellenbosch).
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