Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Illegal Logging in the Tropics

Illegal Logging in the Tropics

Edition: 1
Publisher: CRC Press
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1560221178
You Save: 80%

Illegal Logging in the Tropics: Strategies for Cutting Crime

Examine why illegal logging is so pervasive—and how this problem can be addressed

In March 2002, the Yale chapter of the International Society of Tropical Foresters brought together social and natural scientists, resource managers, policymakers, community leaders, and other interested parties to share experiences, strategies, successes, and failures in addressing illegal logging and corruption.Illegal Logging in the Tropics review. The results were the conference Illegal Logging in Tropical Forests: Ecology, Economics, and Politics of Resource Misuse and this book, which brings together analyses from the perspectives, of anthropology, economics, forestry, law, political science, and sociology.

Illegal Logging in the Tropics: Strategies for Cutting Crime suggests specific policy interventions aimed at curbing illegal logging and identifying solutions to forest crime. It presents both thematic analyses of illegal logging at the global level and case studies on both the local and national levels in African, Latin American, and Asian countries. The contributors draw on their experiences in Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and VietnamRead full reviews of illegal logging in the tropics: strategies for cutting crime ravenel, ramsay m..

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Read Cut and Run: Illegal Logging and Timber Trade in the Tropics reviews by

Cut and Run: Illegal Logging and Timber Trade in the Tropics
Cut and Run: Illegal Logging and Timber Trade in the Tropics by Rob Glastra

illegal logging in the tropics: strategies for cutting crime ravenel, ramsay m.
format hardback language english publication year 21 01 2005 subject geography environment agriculture subject 2 environment planning title illegal logging in the tropics strategies for cutting crime author ravenel ramsay m editor granoff ilmi me editor magee carrie editor publisher food products pr publication date jan 24 2005 pages 393 binding hardcover edition 1 st dimensions 6 50 wx 9 00 hx 1 25 d isbn 156022116 x subject science general description according to some sources about half of

Illegal Logging in the Tropics Strategies for Cuttin..., 9781560221173
Illegal Logging in the Tropics Strategies for Cutting Crime, ISBN-13: 9781560221173, ISBN-10: 1560221178

Illegal Logging in the Tropics
In March 2002, the Yale chapter of the International Society of Tropical Foresters brought together social and natural scientists, resource managers, policymakers, community leaders, and other interested parties to share experiences, strategies, successes, and failures in addressing illegal logging and corruption. The results were the conference Illegal Logging in Tropical Forests: Ecology, Economics, and Politics of Resource Misuse and this book, which brings together analyses from the perspectives, of anthropology, economics, forestry, law, political science, and sociology. isbn13: 978156022

Illegal Logging In The Tropics By Ramsay M. Ravenel Paperback Book (english)
This volume sets down the presentations and discussions of a conference at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies during March 2002 titled "Illegal Logging in the Tropics: The Ecology, Economics, and Policy of Resource Misuse." The contributors offer a diversity of theoretical approaches to the problem. These include analyses of incentives given to local residents to commit the crimes, the extent to which illegal logging is reflective of governmental failures, the balance between justifiable illegal logging and legitimate state control, and legalization and its effectiveness in

Illegal Logging in the Tropics Reviews

The results were the conference Illegal Logging in Tropical Forests: Ecology, Economics, and Politics of Resource Misuse and this book, which brings together analyses from the perspectives, of anthropology, economics, forestry, law, political science, and sociology.

Illegal Logging in the Tropics: Strategies for Cutting Crime suggests specific policy interventions aimed at curbing illegal logging and identifying solutions to forest crime. It presents both thematic analyses of illegal logging at the global level and case studies on both the local and national levels in African, Latin American, and Asian countries. The contributors draw on their experiences in Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Vietnam.

Illegal Logging in the Tropics: Strategies for Cutting Crime examines:
  • global governance—with a cross-country regression analysis of deforestation and various aspects of governance
  • global forest trade—with extensive reviews of data on global trade in forest products
  • community perspectives on illegal logging—including a system dynamics model of villagers’ willingness to log, a description of community involvement in broader networks of illegal trade, and a chapter that challenges the credibility of illegality as defined by a corrupt government or agency
  • the efforts of NGOs to combat illegal logging
  • how illegal logging is typically symptomatic of broader failures of governance
Specific chapters in Illegal Logging in the Tropics: Strategies for Cutting Crime investigate:
  • the role of monitoring in cutting forest crime
  • whether illegal logging is better combated via law enforcement or by local communities—with pros and cons for each approach
  • the proximate causes of illegal logging, including access to forests and equipment, and economic factors
  • the efforts of Transparency International—a widely lauded organization combating corruption—to address illegal logging at the international policy level
In addition, this valuable resource provides you with an essential overview of the literature on illegal logging, an in-depth analysis of the incentive structures that bring local residents to commit forest crimes, and a great deal more. Let Illegal Logging in the Tropics: Strategies for Cutting Crime be your guide to the intricacies of this increasingly urgent issue.


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